I've eaten raw fish of some sort almost every day since I've been in Japan (including right now, as I eat an afternoon snack), and I haven't even died or gotten sick. I also haven't seen any of the ubiquitous signs from the US that say "eating undercooked seafood will lead to dysentery, malaria, and death" (though, admittedly, I may have seen the signs and just not understood them...). I usually have no idea what I'm eating and today was no exception, but it was yumm-o.
I've run a few times since we've been here. To give you a sense of where we are, here is a map of where I've run so far. This weekend I'm hoping to get up into the mountains to our immediate east. It has cooled off a bit (only 29°C today, not 33°C).
I thought eating raw fish gave you syphillis...